Last night with all of my excitement I went to see Sex and the City 2. ……and until the end of the movie I was truly disappointed…. My favorite show and one of my favorite movies (sex and the city No 1) lost all of its sparkle in this sequel by becoming outrageously materialistic
I can characterize the script as tepid and predictable, just a lightweight romantic comedy. It's a pity that King didn't take more of a chance by giving to his devoted audience something we may not have quite expected or even really wanted.
In my opinion is making a political statement, it is not making a judgment about woman’s free speech but showing Arab women removing conservative clothes to reveal flashier garments beneath, it’s hilarious….but I want make clear I don’t think its offensive
Talking about characters I saw a different Miranda, optimistic, social and fun, an all time classic great Samantha in new ‘handsome adventures’ , Charlotte in panic, and the same and same and same Carry……
Returning to their 80’s was fun and interesting...
As it was expected scene and costumes were fabulous. Beautiful linens, airy dresses, stylish outfits, luxurious accessories and tricky hats...
Make up drew my attention, especially Carry’s make up at dinner with Aidan.
I couldn’t close my article with ought mentioning the gorgeous presence of Lisa Minneli at the incredible gay wedding!!!!
And one surprise for the end……. Movie was shot in Morocco ….. Called Abu Dhabi in the film. Rumors say Abu Dhabi refused a request to film there…..who knows????
*images founded by googling!